Mike Munsey's parents, Park and Pat Munsey, started Munsey's Bear Camp in 1956. Mike was born on Kodiak island and grew up at the lodge, so living with Kodiak bears has always been a way of life for him. Mike attended the University of Hawaii for his degree in wildlife biology and conservation, and this is where he met his wife and partner, Robin, who was attending the university for her bachelor's degree in marine biology. She later received her master's degree in fish and wildlife biology from the University of Arizona. After college, Mike and Robin returned to the remote wilderness of Kodiak's Uyak Bay where they now reside year-round. Mike is a licenced Alaska Master Guide and has more experience guiding bear viewers than any other guide on the island. Mike and Robin both possess a US Coast Guard Captains Licence as well as Wilderness First Responder Certification.
For more information on Kodiak wildlife and living in the wilderness, visit Robin's blog at www.robinbarefield.com