Summer 2018 News

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 Our 2018 summer trips focused on family and friends. Nearly 75% of our summer guests were returnees and the friends and family they brought along to introduce to Munsey’s Bear Camp, Uyak Bay, and the majestic Kodiak bears. Even before our season began, we enjoyed visits from family and friends. In late June, our niece, Monica, and her beautiful children, Lyric, Wailer, and Indigo, spent a few days with us, followed by a Fourth of July visit from our good friends Dave Comstock and Mark Guevera. Next, we were excited to spend five days with Mike’s mom, Pat, and her husband, Wally Engstrom. We knew with such a great start, we’d have a special summer season.

We were thrilled to have Mary Schwarzhans back for her sixth year as our cook, and true to our family theme, Mary’s sister, Abby, was our camp helper this summer.



Our summer began on July 15th, withthe arrival of four, delightful, new guests. Tammy and John Edwards and Marti and Brad Clayton, all from Colorado.  Beautiful weather graced this group’s stay with us, and on their first afternoon, we watched a pod of six fin whales surface several times near our boat, sun glistening off the water droplets on their backs. This group watched bears chase salmon on the tidal flats and felt their pulses quicken when they heard a bear forty feet from them in the tall grass. Everyone in this group caught fish, but Tammy was the angler of the week. She caught a 42-lb. and a 52-lb. halibut, and she landed the most salmon on a day of stream fishing.

Summer Farrell

On July 20th, we were excited to welcome back Ken and Summer Groves, who brought their daughter and son-in-law, Summer and Mike Farrell, and their granddaughters, Gabriella and Julianna, all from Florida. This group spent their first morning salmon fishing in Brown’s Lagoon and then enjoyed a beach lunch of freshly-caught, grilled salmon. Mike caught a 35-lb. halibut, but it was his wife, Summer, who caught the 95 pounder, our largest halibut of the season. One day, this group hid in the grass and watched a bear walk in front of them, and on another day, they saw huge Steller sea lions, colorful puffins, and funny sea otters.

On July 25th, Bob and Sandy Comstock from California returned for their second visit, and this time, they brought their friends, Debra Geiler and Liane Ingham and their sons, Oliver and Bixby. This group took a long hike up a river and watched two bears chase salmon. On their first day of halibut fishing, Bixby joined our halibut club (40 pounds and over) by catching a 40-lb. halibut, and a few days later, Oliver also joined the club with a 64-lb. halibut. This group caught 16 salmon in Brown’s Lagoon and then enjoyed grilled salmon paired with a lovely wine from the Comstock winery.

On August 6th, we were happy to welcome back Michelle Rippmann from Switzerland and John Sower from Arkansas. We also greeted Martin and Britta Franke from Germany and Ro and Andrew Maunder from England. One day, while this group sat on the riverbank watching a bear fish, another bear came out of the brush behind them and jumped in the water, surprising them all. A while later, a young bear walked 30 feet in front of them, climbed up on a log, and jumped into the water. Britta, who claimed she had never fished before, turned out to be the angler of the week when she landed a 32-lb. halibut.


On August 11th, we were thrilled to welcome back Mary, Lida, Mary, Doug, and Catherine Hihn, and we were happy to finally meet Mary, Doug, and Lida’s sister Cindy. This group arrived in a storm but ended up having an amazing week and enjoyed the best fishing of our summer. On their first full day, Cindy and Lida landed a 70-lb. halibut. Two days later on a day of catch-and-release fishing, Cindy caught a 75 pounder, and Mary T. caught a 65-lb. and a 50-lb. halibut, The Hihns watched a huge bear fish in front of them, and they also enjoyed excellent whale watching and good silver salmon fishing.

Katelyn Crowley

On August 16th, we were excited to welcome back Dave and Barb Korzendorfer from Connecticut and David and Pam Slaughter from Colorado. David and Pam were joined by their daughter, Rebekah Crowley, and their granddaughter Katelyn Crowley. This group sat on a riverbank one day and watched a sow with two cubs fish very close to them. When the sow caught a salmon, the cubs growled and tried to steal pieces of their mother’s fish from her. On another day, a cooperative bear sat down to eat his salmon right in front of them as the cameras whirred. David caught the most fish of the week, but it was 12-year old Katelyn who landed the 21-lb. silver salmon, a new camp record!!

On August 21st, we welcomed Bob and Fran Seehausen from North Carolina and Laura Hourican and Cathy Ward from South Carolina. As soon as she arrived, Cathy stated her goal was to make it into our halibut club, and two days later, she caught a 60 pounder and smiled for the rest of her stay. This group enjoyed two fabulous days of bear viewing, and on the second day watched a parade of bears walk past them, including two sets of sows with two cubs, two old, large bears, and a snorkeler who walked with his head in the water, searching for fish.

Our good friends and yearly guests Dan Robertson from Nevada, and Gene Fanucchi, Howard Hancock, Gordy Sexton, Mike Saner, and John Mendoza, all from California, arrived on a windy day on August 26th. These guys were here to fish, but the storm hampered their efforts. On August 28th, the sun shined, and we enjoyed a breathtaking view. The mountains of the Alaska Peninsula loomed clear and bright, and while the guys fished, we listened to the spouts of whales in the distance on a calm, cool morning. Silver salmon were scarce, though, and the guys began wondering if they would go home without fish. Finally, on their last full day, the halibut began to bite. Gene caught a 55-lb. halibut, Howard caught an 80 pounder, and each guy caught his limit for the day, filling their fish boxes and marking another successful Alaskan adventure.

Our September 5th group was one we had anticipated all summer because we knew there’d be plenty of laughter with this mixture of returning guests. Andrew Erickson from Rhode Island brought his granddaughter, Molly O’Donnell from Chicago, Celine Veronese from Switzerland introduced us to her mother, Claire, and Tony and Karin Ross returned for a 12-day stay. This group enjoyed three wonderful days of bear viewing. They laughed at the antics of family groups while mom caught fish and the cubs played, growled and tried to steal their mother’s catch. One curious cub wandered too close to the group, and Mike had to talk to him and tell him to go back to his mother. On a day of fishing, Molly proved she was an excellent angler when she caught every species of fish except halibut.

On September 10th, Tony and Karin were joined by Mary Hill and Jim Smith from Colorado and Jochen and Britta Mattis from Germany. Our summer season ended the way it began, and this group enjoyed sunshine and calm winds every day of their stay. One day, they watched a sow fish and snorkel, while her cubs growled and played. While they were bear viewing, a curious weasel entertained them by scampering among them and checking out their gear. On a morning cruise up the bay, we encountered a pod of orcas, and shutters clicked while the whales zipped past our boat.  Tony had another great summer of fishing, landing several halibut, including a 54 pounder.

Tony and Karin spent two more wonderful  days with us to finish out our summer season. On an afternoon hike up a salmon stream, they caught eight silver salmon and a steelhead, and on their last day of bear viewing, a familiar bear Tony and Karin have enjoyed watching over the years marched in front of them, her two cubs trailing behind her.

This was an emotional summer for us as we greeted friends, spent five days laughing with them, and then sadly watched them depart. We hope to see you all again soon, and to our new guests this summer, thank you, and we hope you will return and become part of our Munsey’s Bear Camp family.

Mary and Abby, I think you know how special you are to us, and we appreciate all the big and small things you do for our guests and us.

I invite you to read my weekly blog at about Kodiak wildlife, writing, and living in the wilderness. While you are there, sign up for my newsletter about true murder and mystery in Alaska.

Visit our website for more photos from our summer season.





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Mid-Summer 2018

We are midway through our season, and we’ve had a great summer so far. Last week, the Hihn family from South Carolina watched bears, including a huge, old male, laughed at sea otters, and gasped as a pod of six fin whales zipped past our boat, surfacing beside us. To top it off, they enjoyed excellent halibut and salmon fishing. They caught 22 silver salmon one afternoon and experienced the thrill of landing halibut in shallow water. The water was so shallow that Mary Hihn watched a 35-lb. halibut grab her lure. Mary and her family caught five halibut between 50 and 100 lbs. Nature can be wonderful or frustrating, but I am expecting amazing things from the second half of our season.

I want all our guests to see bears and whales and to catch as many halibut and salmon as they desire, but I sometimes worry that if a guest is too goal-oriented, he will lose sight of where he is. He won’t see the entire picture, and he won’t appreciate this beautiful, remote bay on Kodiak Island.

Look at the cloud-draped mountains, the small buck prancing through our backyard, or the eagle standing watch in the tree. Did you see the puffin, or the sea otter lounging on its back, its baby nestled snuggly on its stomach? Did you notice the seals hauled out on the beach, two of them bloody from fighting, or did you stay up late one night to watch a beautiful Alaska sunset?

One thing I have noticed over the years is the guests who have the best time at our lodge are those who see everything. They are the ones who show me their photos at the end of the day and are embarrassed by all the images of rock formations they snapped. They are also the ones who admit they didn’t take any pictures of the whales because they just wanted to look, listen, smell, and feel the experience instead of watching it all through their camera’s viewfinder. The guest who sheds a few tears when she talks about a bear splashing in the water twenty feet from her and the guest who was thrilled by watching through binoculars from a distance as a sow interacted with her three cubs are the guests we will see again. They will return in a year or two or ten because they won’t be able to get the sights, the sounds, or the smells of this beautiful place out of their heads.

Nearly 75% of our guests this summer are returnees, and many of them have been to our lodge multiple times. They’ve been here when the bear viewing was spectacular, and when bears were scarce. They’ve been here during great fishing years and years when the fish were slow to bite, and some years they’ve seen whales, while other years they haven’t. They’ve braved storms and basked in the sun. They’ve seen it all, but they keep returning because they have never focused on just one thing and lost sight of the big picture. One guest this summer who has been here multiple times told me she and her husband have never had a rainy day here. I’m sure she must be either extremely lucky or mistaken, but I love that she and her husband only remember the sunshine!
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We can’t control nature. Weather systems and animals act outside our realm of influence. We can control the way we run our operation, though, and we always try to do the best job we can. We only take six guests at a time, and we concentrate on giving those six guests the best experience possible.

I think Mike and I do a good job, but there is one member of our crew who is always at the top of her game. Mary Schwarzhans has been with us for six years, and she is magical. Guests rave about her meals, from her cinnamon rolls to her handmade pizzas to her beer-battered halibut and amazing side dishes and desserts. Mary is a gem, and I’m not sure she ever sleeps. Mary’s sister, Abby, hired on as Mary’s assistant and our camp helper, and she is also a wonder, making all our jobs easier. No matter how tired she is, Abby always has a smile on her face.

I know many of our upcoming guests this season will read this post to check in on our summer up to this point, and I want to let you know we are having a great season, and we can’t wait to see you!

For more information on Kodiak wildlife and life in the Alaska wilderness, I invite you to visit my blog. I post every Sunday:

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Late Spring 2018

The sun finally shined this last week after a cool, cloudy spring, and the sunny weather turned my thoughts toward our summer trips. June is our “work month” here at Munsey’s Bear Camp. We build, paint, fix, garden and clean in June, and when the sun shines, we grab paint brushes and work as fast as we can because the sunshine usually doesn’t last long. June is one of the rainiest months on the island, so we don’t squander sunshine.

While we haven’t had much time to get out and play, we are enjoying spring. In mid-May, the landscape is pale brown and grey, but by late May, green sprouts push through the dead leaves and fallen twigs, and two weeks later, this island becomes a jungle with three-foot-high cow parsnip, large ferns unfurling in the woods, and wildflowers sprouting on every available open patch of earth. Overnight, the alders, willows, birch, and cottonwoods burst to life with budding leaves, and the wild grass in our yard grows several inches.

As soon as the grass begins showing tints of green, deer appear in our yard to graze. Two young bucks, born a year ago, have been our most frequent visitors, and their heads now sport small antlers covered by velvet. Their mother brought them into our yard a year ago soon after they were born, and we have watched them grow. They are accustomed to us and are curious, often walking to within a few feet of us. Mom accompanied the young bucks into our yard up until two weeks ago when they began showing up on their own. We thought we understood her sudden absence, and we wondered if her offspring knew why she had abandoned them. She confirmed our suspicions two days ago when she arrived with a tiny fawn.

Speaking of babies, we have already seen several sows with cubs, and we are expecting another excellent summer of watching family groups when we bear view. We have also seen a few fin whales in the bay, and we even watched orcas twice this spring.

As we continue to prepare for our summer season, Mike and I will sit down in a few days to review our list of guests for the summer. We’ll make notes about special dietary needs and try to pin down the interests of each group. When Mary, our wonderful cook, arrives, we will hand her the list of food requirements, and she will post them on her calendar. We will then sit down with Mary and Abby, our camp helper and Mary’s sister, and review our guest list again. Half of our guests are returnees, so we know their needs and what they will want to do, and for the rest, we will plan based on what they have told us.
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We only take six guests at a time, and our goal is to provide each of those guests with the best adventure possible. We want you to tell us Munsey’s Bear Camp was the highlight of your vacation, and years from now when you look at your photos, we hope you will smile and laugh at the great memories and the good time you had here. Many of our guests e-mail to thank us and let us know they have arrived home safely from their Alaska trip. A few times each summer, a guest will confide in her e-mail that Munsey’s Bear Camp was by far the best part of her Alaska vacation. When Mike receives such an e-mail, he tells Mary and me, and we cheer. We’re not aiming for “good,” we want to be “the best.”

I know many of our 2018 summer guests will read this post, and to them, I want to say, “Are you ready for your adventure? I can’t wait to meet you and see what will happen as the summer unfolds!” I will post mid-summer again to summarize our adventures up to that point.

I write a weekly blog at about Kodiak wildlife, living in the wilderness, and my writing. I have written three Alaska wilderness mystery novels and am working on a book about the wildlife of Kodiak Island. I post on my blog once a week and release my posts on Sunday afternoons (U.S. time zones), so if you want to learn more about the island you are planning to visit or would like to visit, I invite you to take a look at my blog, and please leave a comment to say hi.

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Munsey’s Summer 2017 News

I began our 2017 season in a hospital bed and didn’t know how we would make it through our summer, but I forgot about three things: the toughness of our crew to fill in for me, the magical curative qualities of nature, and our wonderful guests, always there to lend me a helping hand. Once I returned home, I managed to go out on our boat, the Mary Beth, with our guests nearly every day. I appreciated each moment this summer offered and reflected on how lucky I am to have a job guiding wildlife viewers and sport fishermen on Kodiak Island. The best part of this job is sharing our home here in the wilderness with our amazing guests from around the world. 

We and our guests were excited to have Mary Schwarzhans back for her fifth year, performing magical spells in the kitchen and keeping the camp running smoothly. Our camp helper this year was Emily France from Willow, Alaska. 

On July 12th, Craig and Pam Smith from Australia and Zach and Eli Culbertson from New York arrived as our first group of the summer season. I unfortunately never met this group, but Mike reported their adventures to me. They were greeted their first morning by our resident doe and two fawns, and they watched seals and sea otters and saw a red fox, eagles and a bear. Zach and Eli had to leave after only two days, but Craig and Pam watched a sow with two cubs from a distance and got closer to a single bear on the beach. On their last morning, they cruised toward the mouth of the bay where six huge fin whales surfaced near the boat. 

John and Jane Birman, Dave and Sarah Jane Vaux, and Garry and Pauline Hall, all from Australia, arrived  July 16th. Their first afternoon, they saw sea otters and several fin whales; two of which, surfaced beside the boat. I arrived home that evening to a wonderful welcome from Mike, Mary, Emily, and this fun-loving group of Australians. Garry caught a 20-lb. halibut (just in case there is anyone left who hasn’t seen the photo), and John, Pauline, Dave, and Garry had a great time salmon fishing while Jane and Sarah Jane relaxed. This group watched a sow with three, large two-year-old cubs fish, growl, and fight over salmon. 

On July 20th, we greeted Frank and Tracey De Bacco from Pennsylvania. Frank and Tracey enjoyed a sunny day salmon fishing in Brown’s Lagoon, and kept seven salmon and released six. One day, Frank, Tracey, and Mike watched a sow with two cubs, a sow with one cub, and a single bear, and on another day of fishing, Frank caught a 20 pound halibut and his limit of salmon. On their last morning, the De Baccos saw 12 orcas soon after leaving our mooring. One whale breached several times, and Mike snapped a great photo of her. 

Later in the afternoon on July 25th, the orcas were still frolicking near our lodge to greet the plane carrying Andy Vena, Albert Strydesky, John Mayer, Frank Bialas, Silvio Squieri, and Rob Varvar. Andy, Albert, and John are old friends who have visited us many times, and Rob joined us several years ago for a deer hunt, but this was the first of hopefully many visits for Frank and Sil. After lunch, Mike took the guys out for a closer glimpse of the orcas, and then they cruised north where they saw sea otters and fin whales. This group enjoyed a fun day of salmon fishing in Brown’s Lagoon when they kept 20 salmon and released 22. On another day, they kept six halibut and released ten, and the following day, Al and Rob became the first inductees of the year into our halibut club (40 lbs. or larger). 

On August 3rd, Christie Lahusen and her boyfriend, Robert Stankovic, both from Oregon, Christie’s father, Larry, from Canada, and her brother, Derek, from Utah arrived for a 3-day stay. One day, this group saw a sow with three newborn cubs, a sow with two newborn cubs, a sow with a yearling, a sow with three 2-year old cubs, and a single bear, and on another day, they watched a large, old sow catch a salmon in front of them on a small stream. On their last morning, they saw foxes, eagles, sea otters, and two fin whales. 

On August 6th, we were excited to welcome back Bill, Judy, Michael, Brian, and Tess Micheli from Illinois. Tess wasted no time proving her fishing skills were still sharp. She was reeling in a 40-lb. halibut when her Uncle Mike hooked a 60 pounder. Awhile later, Bill joined our halibut club by landing a 52-lb. halibut. This group battled wind and rain one day to walk up a small river and watch a sow with three cubs demonstrate her fishing prowess. She fished near them all afternoon. They also saw two single bears, a large male, and a sow with a single cub. 

On August 11th, we greeted Mike and Janna Turpin from Florida and Skip and Susan Parker from Nevada. On their first day, this group watched a bear fish and tend to her three young cubs. On August 13th, they were joined by Hannah Hillebrand and her boyfriend, Logan, both from Oregon. This group watched two, young, sub-adult bears fish and play on a log, and on the next day, they saw a sow with two cubs chase away a single bear and then fish in front of them. Skip and Susan enjoyed the excitement of halibut fishing in shallow water, and Susan joined our halibut club with a 50 pounder. 

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On August 16th, we were thrilled to welcome back Andy Erickson from Rhode Island and his grandson, Drew McDonnel, from Seattle. Joining Andy and Drew were Bob and Tami Bancroft from Indiana, and Andrea Schmidt and Bernhard Diemer, both from Austria. This group enjoyed four great days of bear viewing. They sat on the bank of a small stream and watched a sow with a yearling cub fish in front of them. Mom caught several fish and ignored the people, while the cub watched the humans and growled. On another day, a sow with two newborn cubs fished near them. On their last day, this group watched a sow catch and eat fish, while her two cubs wrestled, boxed, and climbed a tree above her.

On August 21st, we were happy to welcome back Bud Coughlin, Lisa Bill, and Jim Bill, and we were pleased to meet first-time members of the group, Bill Mullin, and Yocasta and Joanna Hudson, all from New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This group enjoyed great halibut fishing. On their first day, Bill, Joanna, Jim, and Bud joined our halibut club, and they caught their limit of halibut by 2:00pm. Bill caught a 150 pounder, our largest halibut of the year, and Yocasta caught a 70-lb. halibut. This group also had good pink salmon fishing, each person catching his or her limit two days in a row. In addition to fishing, everyone enjoyed excellent whale watching , and one afternoon, they sat on a riverbank and laughed as they watched a young bear play with dead salmon.

On August 26th we greeted Dan Robertson from Nevada, and Gene Fanucchi, Gordy Sexton, Howard Hancock, Mike Saner, and John Mendoza, all from California. These guys have had a standing reservation with us for a decade, and we appreciate them. Over the years, they have become friends, and we always look forward to seeing them. Last year, they enjoyed good weather, but this year they were here for a storm that affected their fishing. Nevertheless, they caught their limit of halibut on their first day of fishing, and Howard and John both joined our halibut club. Once the weather allowed us to get to Greenbanks, the guys caught several salmon, including seven silver salmon. 

On September 5th, we were excited to welcome back Tony and Karin Ross from Pennsylvania for a 12-day stay. Joining Tony and Karin, were Bill, Terrie, and Donny Stone from Canada. This group spent two spectacular days bear viewing on a salmon river. One day, they photographed a tolerant, blonde sow and her two, tiny cubs. After fishing, she stretched out to nurse her cubs, and when one of the cubs bit her, she growled and hit him. On another day, this group photographed a huge, old, male bear as he calmly walked down a stream. Donny proved to be a master salmon fisherman when he landed four silvers, and Karin joined our halibut club with a 60 pounder. 

On Sertember 10th, Jaromir and Jana Jiroudek and Jiri and Jamilla Kalina, all from the Czech Republic joined Tony and Karin. Instead of sitting idly, waiting for the plane carrying our new guests to arrive, Tony caught a 74-lb. halibut! On a gorgeous autumn day, this group watched 25 bears, including several sets of sows and cubs On their second day, they were thrilled to see a huge, old bear. The weather turned ugly on day three, but these hearty souls braved wind and rain to hike two hours to watch bears. On their final full day, they opted for a marine-mammal tour, and we saw sea lions, seals, sea otters, porpoises, and fin and humpback whales. 

Tony and Karin spent the final two days of our season with us, and they wasted no time topping off their fish boxes by catching six silver salmon. Their final day was sunny and beautiful as they sat on a river bank and watched nineteen bears, including two small cubs that played on a log and tried to grab the salmon swimming below them.

It is difficult to explain our bear-viewing experience to people when they first inquire about our trips. Guests who have been bear viewing elsewhere tell us they much prefer the experience we offer because here, they see bears that have not been habituated to humans. One guest described it as, “Stepping into the bears’ parlor and seeing how they live.” To get to these “wild bears,” though, requires effort because If they were easy to access, they would be surrounded by humans. On our trips, you must take a 1 ½-hour ride in our big boat, followed by a ½-hour boat ride in our whaler through shallow, tidal waters. Then, you must hike for 2-hours over a rocky beach and narrow, uneven bear trails. It is a wonderful but rugged experience, and it is not for everyone.

Thanks to our wonderful guests this summer, and a special thanks to all of you for putting up with my physical limitations. I plan to be 100% by next summer!  Thank you, Mary, for being wonderful, creative, and always funny, and thanks, Emily, for doing a great job. I’m already looking forward to next summer!

If you would like to read my weekly blog on Kodiak wildlife and life in the wilderness on Kodiak Island, you can find it at  I post every Sunday and would love your input. 


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Mid Summer 2017

I believe nature keeps me sane and allows me to stay balanced, and this summer, I think it has helped me heal.

My summer did not begin well. I would even venture to say July 2017 was one of the worst months of my life. In early July, I began losing the use of my arms and legs and ended up in the hospital in Anchorage for a week. I was diagnosed with Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS), a disease in which a person’s immune system turns on the nervous system and begins stripping myelin from the nerve sheath. GBS can be quite dangerous if allowed to progress to the point where even the chest wall is paralyzed, and the patient must be placed on a ventilator to breathe. Luckily, I received treatment long before it got to that point, and the neurologist told me nearly every patient completely recovers from GBS. I was told it would take me a year to fully recover, and while I knew I would have a difficult summer with my slowed mobility, at least I would get better.

On the last day I was in the hospital, I called my brother, Russell, and his family in Kansas, and we had a nice conversation. Two hours later, my sister-in-law called me back to tell me after our phone conversation, Russell went out to mow the grass in 100-degree heat and dropped dead from a heart attack. My world crashed down around me. Russell and I were very close, and I felt as if I were in a daze the next day when the doctor released me from the hospital, and I made my way to the airport.

In Kodiak, a van whisked me to Andrew Airways, and soon, I was in a floatplane flying home. I felt numb and very tired as we skirted emerald mountains, plunging waterfalls, and deep valleys formed by glaciers and cut by rivers. I knew I would cherish my last conversation with my brother and would always be grateful that for whatever reason, I had placed the call to him only an hour before he died.

I hated arriving late for our summer trips. I had already missed the arrival of our wonderful cook and lodge organizer, Mary, and our new camp helper, Emily. Our first group of guests had come and gone, and I hadn’t even been able to say hi to them. Our second group of guests had just arrived in camp that day, and I wasn’t sure I could summon the energy to be a good hostess.

As the plane circled our lodge and came in low for a landing, I looked at our dock and nearly burst into tears. There stood Mike, Mary, and Emily, and Mary held a beautifully designed “Welcome Home” sign for me. With their help, I stepped off the plane and hugged each of them. Even Emily, who didn’t yet know me, gave me a big hug. I’ve never been so happy to be home in my life.

Our group of six Australian guests met me at the dock. Two in the group were nurses, so they understood my condition, and they were all very kind and patient with me. Before I knew it, the Australians involved us all in an interactive murder game, lasting their entire stay. The game was great fun and had us each trusting no one else in camp. It did not surprise me when Mike won the game by murdering the most people. As if my summer hadn’t already been bad enough, Mike even murdered me!
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Not long after my return home, a pod of Orcas frolicked and fed near our lodge for an entire day, and Mike got some great photos.  An abundant, sustained pink salmon run this summer has provided food for everything from Orcas to bears to eagles. Our fishermen have also enjoyed catching salmon.

The most uplifting news for me this season was to learn that a sow we have watched for the past eight years showed up this summer with three newborn cubs. The sow was badly injured by another bear when she was young, and her rear end was flayed open. The injury was so bad, we didn’t think she would survive. We were happy and surprised to see her the next summer, and while the scar has faded over the years, it is still obvious. She has always been a favorite bear for us and our guests because she seems to like to perform in front of us, often catching a fish and then turning toward the photographers, fish held high while the cameras whir. The walls in our dining room are covered with photos of bears, and many of the photos are of her. As the years passed, and she appeared by herself summer after summer, we assumed she was a barren sow and wondered if the horrific injury she received when she was little more than a cub had anything to do with her inability to reproduce. We couldn’t have been more surprised when she showed up this summer with three tiny cubs trailing behind her. She appears to be a good mother, and all those years of fishing on her own have made her a proficient provider. She still doesn’t seem afraid of us, but she keeps her distance from humans now because now she needs to worry about more than just herself.

Life throws us curve balls sometimes, and I am very fortunate to have wonderful friends and family and a beautiful place to heal. Our guests have been great this summer, and I’m sure they have no idea how much their enthusiasm and laughter have meant to me. There is no place in the world I’d rather be than sitting on a boat in Uyak Bay on Kodiak Island. We hope you will join us soon for one of our adventures to see the “Real Alaska.”

You can read more about life in the wilderness and the wildlife of Kodiak Island on my personal blog at: .Please leave me a message there to say hi.




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Spring 2017

You are on a camping trip with a group of friends somewhere in Alaska.  After you set up camp for the evening, two of the guys in the group decide they want to hike up a rocky ridge.  When your friends don’t return to camp by dinner time, you and the other campers set out in search of them.  You hear one of your missing campers shriek in pain, and you hurry toward the sound where you find the two young men at the base of a cliff.  One friend is complaining loudly about his ankle, which is badly deformed.  The other young man says he just has a few bumps and bruises, but he doesn’t remember what happened; one minute they were on top the cliff, and the next thing he knew, he was at the bottom of the cliff.  He thinks he lost consciousness briefly.  What is your assessment of these two patients, what about their conditions worries you, and how will you treat them?  Do either one of them need to be evacuated?  If so, should it be an emergency evacuation or a non-emergency evacuation?  If you can only evacuate one of the patients at a time, which one would you evacuate first?


In the Wilderness First Responder recertification class Mike and I took a couple of weeks ago, this is the type of scenario we were asked to consider.  While I hope never to have to make such difficult decisions in real life, I am glad I have the best training possible to deal with accidents and illnesses in the field.  When we take guests bear viewing and fishing in the Kodiak Wilderness, we know we are responsible for their safety, and we take this duty seriously.

We sometimes have future or potential future guests worry about whether they will be safe if they go bear viewing with us.  I applaud their concern for their safety and welcome any and all questions about the safety of our operation.  The truth is that there are no guidelines in Alaska for bear viewing guides.  You may get a guide with thirty years of experience guiding bear viewers, or you may have a bear viewing guide with almost no experience around bears.  You should ask an airlines, an outfitter, or anyone else you plan to book a bear viewing trip with, how much experience the guide has around bears, what level of wilderness medical training he or she has, and what other appropriate licenses the guide has.

In our operation, Mike is a Master Guide with 45-years of experience around bears.  He grew up at Munsey’s Bear Camp and began helping his Dad in the field at an early age.  He has spent his life around bears.  Mike and I are both Coast-Guard-licensed boat captains, we are both fishing guides, and we are both wilderness first responders.  We carry radios, satellite phones, and extensive first-aid kits with us, and we encourage our guests to share their health-related and allergy concerns with us.  We don’t expect our guests to have a problem in the field, but if they do, we want to be prepared to handle it.

Unauthorized spare parts serve more harm than any good. buy cheap sildenafil Do not take this drug for erectile dysfunction, below are some important tips to help take it for safe results: Always take Kamagra levitra prices canada 45 to 60 minutes before sexual intercourse with your partner. If you are suffering from porn-induced erectile dysfunction, it is advised to tadalafil cheap online take up some exercises and use a balanced diet. Patients, who find difficulty to swallow tablet, now can use jelly, soft tablets and check this pharmacy purchase cheap levitra effervescent tablet at the economical rates. The purpose of this blog isn’t to brag about us and our preparedness.  I want to remind anyone reading this post that no matter where you are planning to vacation, you need to do your research and be certain you are booking your trip with someone who will put your safety first. Just because the guide has a fancy website does not mean he or she is qualified to lead you on an expedition into the wilderness.

Our recent Wilderness First Responder class was not the only inspiration for this post.  I was also inspired by my failure to research our recent vacation.  We just returned from a trip to the Caribbean, and while I checked out the places where we planned to stay, I did not Google the airlines upon which we were planning to travel; even though I had never before heard of Insel Air, and we had several flights booked on Insel Air.  Unfortunately, we paid for my sloppy preparations.  Insel Air was a disaster, and if I had taken five minutes to Google the airlines, I would have read the horrible reviews from other recent travelers.  It was a reminder to me check out every aspect of my vacation next time. Vacations are expensive and precious, and while you can’t plan for every variable, such as the weather or unusual delays, you can minimize the likelihood of trouble by doing the research and asking questions.

We have had a tough, cold winter here on Kodiak Island, and I can’t wait for Spring!!  Spring doesn’t usually happen here until mid to late May, but the days are getting longer, and each day, the sun is a little higher in the sky, so I know warmer temperatures are on the horizon.  We are looking forward to another busy summer season here, and I’m already getting excited!



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Summer 2016 at Munsey’s Bear Camp

Each summer, nearly 50% of our guests are returnees, and some have been visiting our lodge for many years.  These folks become our friends, and after spending many hours together in the field and on the back deck of our boat, we know each other well.  This year it was with a heavy heart that we said goodbye to four of our guests.  Jim Clay only first visited our lodge last summer, but he and his buddies, including Tom Bradley, a long-time friend of ours, were scheduled to visit us from July 20th to the 25th.  When Jim passed away suddenly a few weeks before their planned trip, the rest of the group canceled their plans.  Andy Vena Sr. has been to our lodge many times with his son, Andy Jr., and their friends.  His son hoped to bring him back up here next summer, but Andy Sr. passed away after suffering a stroke this summer.  Jean Matusik and her husband, Ed, have been visiting our lodge since the 1980s, and I know how much they both enjoyed watching and photographing bears.  Jean passed away suddenly this summer just before her scheduled trip to see us, and Ed sent her ashes to us to scatter in the spot where she spent so many wonderful hours watching bears.  Gene and Diane Fantini and their friends have also made many trips to our lodge, and Diane and I frequently correspond via e-mail.  Sadly, Gene passed away in August after a difficult battle with cancer.  The loss of each of these friends felt like a blow, and we will never forget the great times we had with them.

I’ll follow up that sad news with the happy news that Mary Schwarzhans returned this year once again to dazzle us with her amazing meals and wonderful personality.  Mary’s friend, Katie Keaveny, assisted her this summer.

 On July 10th, we were excited to welcome back Mary L., Mary T., Lida, Doug, and Katherine Hihn, all from South Carolina, and we enjoyed meeting their friend, Erik Beard, from Colorado.  The Hihns have visited our lodge many times over the years, and we were happy to begin our season in the company of friends.  On our first afternoon cruise, we saw a humpback whale, two fin whales, seals, sea otters, eagles, puffins, foxes, and deer.  On a day of bear viewing, this group enjoyed “family day” when they saw a mother bear (sow) with three newborn cubs, a sow with two two-year-old cubs, and two groups of a sow with three one-year-old cubs. The Hihns and Erik started off our summer of good halibut fishing when Erik caught a 65 pounder, and Mary L. caught a 55-pound halibut. 

Duane Goldman and his son Garret, from Indiana, arrived on July 15th.  These guys enjoyed a gorgeous, sunny day salmon fishing in Brown’s Lagoon.  After a grilled-salmon lunch, they continued to fish and ended the day with nine salmon.  On July 17th,  Yariv and Ronit Gilboa from California joined the Goldmans.  On the Gilboas’ first afternoon, they saw a sow with three cubs and a single bear. On another day, this group watched a bear catch a fish on the tidal flats and followed another bear as he walked down a small stream. They snapped photos of a baby eagle sitting in its nest and marveled at large rafts of sea otters and huge fin whales.

On July 25th, we greeted Bob, Sandy, and Susan Comstock and Eileen Birmingham, all from California, and Holly Adams and Claire Hesselin from New Zealand.  Holly was our guide on our New Zealand trip last winter, and Claire is also a guide for Active Adventures in New Zealand.  On their first afternoon, this group enjoyed watching two fin whales swim past our boat, and on a day of fishing, they kept 12 salmon and released 12 more.  We took a mid-day break in the fishing action to eat grilled salmon and sip Sauvignon Blanc from the Comstock Winery.  Thank you, Bob and Sandy!! Everyone in this group caught halibut, and Holly and Sandy joined our halibut club!  This group enjoyed some great bear viewing, but one of the highlights was when they watched three yearling cubs play while their mother caught salmon.

On August 6th, we greeted Bjorn and Ava Karlssen and Stephan and Ingrid Sigold, all from Sweden.  On the first afternoon, we saw a cow and calf killer whale soon after we left our mooring.  One afternoon, this group watched a bear catch and eat fish, and awhile later, a sow with two newborn cubs fished near them.  On another day, they watched a very cooperative bear fish on a river.  He walked over to the group, stood on his hind legs to look at them, and then continued to fish and perform for them.  One day, this group opted to spend the day on the boat, so we cruised to the mouth of the bay, where we saw Stellar sea lions, sea otters, puffins, and fin whales.  Then, to our delight, six Dall’s porpoises swam in our bow wake for several minutes, darting in and out and over and under the wake.

Michael Acela

On August 11th, we welcomed back our good friend Andy Erickson.  Andy was accompanied by his granddaughter, Christina Ulrich, and her boyfriend, Michael Acela, both from Pennsylvania. Joining Andy, Christina, and Michael were Jim and Mary Hill from Colorado.  This group watched a sow interact with her two newborn cubs and photographed another bear as it walked up a small stream.  They enjoyed two exciting days of halibut fishing.  Christina started things off by catching a halibut soon after we anchored, and later that day, Michael caught a 128 pounder, our largest of the summer.  The following afternoon belonged to Andy, though, when he caught and released a 40 pounder and kept a 77-lb. halibut. 

On August 16th, we were thrilled to welcome back Jerry Burblis from Alaska and Bill and Brian Micheli from Illinois, and we were pleased to meet Steve and Mark Stewart from Colorado.  On their first afternoon, we sat in the midst of approximately eight fin whales while they surfaced around us.  On another day, this group saw 20 bears, including a sow with three newborn cubs, and a sow with two large, two-year-old cubs.  They saw a bear sleeping on the trail, and when he heard them, he stood on his hind legs to get a closer look before wandering into the brush.  Bill caught the first silver salmon of the summer, and on an afternoon of halibut fishing, Jerry caught a 30 pounder, Mark caught a 70 pounder, and Bill landed a 50-lb. halibut.

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We welcomed back our fishing buddies on August 26th.  Dan Robertson from Nevada was joined by his friends, Gordy Sexton, Howard Hancock, Gene Fanucchi, John Mendoza, and Michael Saner, all from California.  Silver salmon were in short supply this year, but these guys enjoyed fantastic halibut fishing, and this was Gordy’s year.  He caught three club halibut:  an 87 pounder, a 62 pounder, and a 42 pounder.  Plus, he caught the most silver salmon of the group.  Dan caught an 82-lb. halibut, Mike landed a 55 pounder, John caught a 48 pounder, and Gene caught and released a 40 pounder (always the sportsman!).  They caught all those fish and enjoyed the most gorgeous stretch of weather of the summer!

On September 5th, we were happy to welcome back Tony and Karin Ross from Pennsylvania and were pleased to have them with us for a ten-day stay.  Joining Karin and Tony were Bill and Sue Boon from Nevada and Nino and Celine Veronese from Switzerland.  This trip was Nino’s 75th birthday gift from his daughter, Celine.  This group of great hikers was rewarded with excellent bear viewing. They watched sows with newborn cubs and sows with yearlings. Several bears fished next to them while they sat on a riverbank, and two young bears entertained them by climbing on a log and diving into the river.  One of the bears timed his dive perfectly and surfaced with a salmon in his mouth.  Another tolerant bear amused everyone with her technique of snorkeling for salmon.  On their last evening, we celebrated Nino’s birthday with a delicious cake prepared by Mary and fantastic entertainment provided by Tony.

On September 15th, Tony and Karin were joined by Fred and Paula Hooper from Rhode Island and John and Leslie Murphy from Massachusetts.  This group braved wind and rain one day to experience great bear viewing.  Several bears fished close to them, and one was so comfortable with their presence she took a nap near them.  The sun shined the following day, and Tony and Karin enjoyed a beautiful afternoon halibut fishing, while the rest of the group walked up a side stream where they watched several sets of sows and cubs.  On the last full day of our summer season, this group had the best bear viewing of the summer.  They weren’t sure how many bears they saw, but at one time, six bears fished close to them.  When I picked them up at the end of the day and asked how their day was, they said, “Incredible!”

We had another wonderful summer here at Munsey’s Bear Camp.  We endured a few rainy days, but overall, we had great weather.  Whales have become so commonplace the last several years that I forget to mention them, but we saw whales nearly every day this summer, and we saw hundreds of sea otters as we cruised around the bay.  I love watching the looks of joy on the faces of our guests when we cruise past a sleeping sea otter or see a pup sitting on its mother’s stomach.

Mike and I want to express our condolences to the families and friends of Jim Clay, Andy Vena Sr., Jean Matusik, and Gene Fantini.  They will live in our hearts forever.

Thanks to Mary for her wonderful meals and Katie for her help.  Thanks to all of our guests for making our summer special.  If you would like to read my weekly blog on Kodiak wildlife and living in the wilderness on Kodiak Island, you can find it at  I post every Sunday and would love your input.



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Mid-Summer 2016

As fireweed transforms the mountains into a Christmas quilt of red and green, and the cottonwood leaves fade to yellow, I realize summer is nearly over, and autumn is about to begin.  Our summer trips run until mid-September, and by then, the morning air bites, and the wind can rage.  Some days are wet, and other days are wetter.  Last year we had snow on the final day of our “summer” season. 

Why do we run our summer trips so late? Why do we continue to take guests at least two weeks after most tourism businesses in Alaska shut down for the year? Why do we fight autumn storms and endure the sometimes unpleasant September weather?  It’s all about bears.  No matter how preoccupied Kodiak bears may be with eating berries in July and August, they turn their attention to salmon in September as they begin to add inches of fat for winter hibernation. 

We see more bears chasing salmon in September than we do any other time of the summer.  Not only are bears more plentiful and more visible in September, but they are also more photogenic.  Gone is the ratty, rubbed fur of July, and in its place, a full, dark coat gleams in the autumn sunshine, and yes, we also have some gorgeous, sunny days in September. By September, cubs are learning to fish, and it’s fun to watch their mothers teach them the finer points of chasing down a salmon. 

I think September is magical, and I look forward to it with equal parts anticipation and dread.  No matter what happens or what the weather brings, September is always exciting. 

We’ve had a great summer so far.  We’ve seen several family groups of bears (sows and cubs).  The deer population has exploded due to mild winters the last few years, and we always see does and fawns wandering the beach at low tide.  We’ve also enjoyed watching red foxes that range in color from red to black, and of course, we’ve seen bald eagles everywhere.  On the ocean, we’ve watched fin whales nearly every day, and while we haven’t seen as many humpbacks as we did last year, we were thrilled the other day when one breached in front of us.  We saw killer whales once this summer and had Dall’s porpoises play in our bow wake.  We’ve laughed at the antics of sea otters nearly every day and have photographed harbor seals hauled out on rocks.  One day while we were fishing, a young seal swam up to the boat and curiously watched us.  Everyone grabbed cameras, and the little guy stayed there and posed for photos. 

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We enjoyed excellent pink-salmon fishing in July and had great halibut fishing in August.  The largest halibut so far was a 128 pounder caught in mid-August.  We are still waiting for the silver salmon to arrive, but they should be here soon. 

All of our guests would tell you that one of their favorite things about their stay at Munsey’s Bear Camp was the food. One guest said, “I never dreamed we’d eat so well at a lodge in the middle of the wilderness.”  When another guest stepped off the float plane, and Mary introduced herself, the guest said, “I’ve been reading about your wonderful meals and was hoping you’d still be here.”  Yes, Mary Schwarzhans is again dazzling us with her wonderful, creative meals. It doesn’t take long for our guests to fall in love with Mary and wait expectantly for her next culinary delight.  We love Mary not only for her wonderful food but also for her quirky sense of humor, and boundless energy. 

I know in most areas in the U.S., autumn is still a few weeks away, but the season is already upon us here on Kodiak Island, and we are ready for whatever it brings.  Our September trips may be sunny and beautiful, but more than likely, we will battle a few storms.  No matter what the weather does, though, the bears will be chasing salmon, and they will make our September spectacular. 



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Spring 2016

I’m a bit late with my mid-winter newsletter this year.  Winter hasn’t lost its grip on us here, but according to the calendar, the first day of spring was nearly two weeks ago.

Those of you who read my personal blog posts at know that Mike and I spent a month in New Zealand this winter.  We had a wonderful time and loved the country and the people.  The scenery was spectacular, and we saw everything from rolling hills and serene pastures, to glaciers, to geysers and hot springs, to miles of unspoiled beaches, to glacial lakes with colors so vivid they are impossible to describe with mere words.

We spent two weeks of our time in New Zealand on a hiking trip with Active Adventures New Zealand.  As I’ve mentioned before, we enjoy booking trips in other parts of the world that are similar to what we offer in Alaska.  I think this means we love our jobs, but it is nice for a change not to be the ones in charge.  Following another guide is relaxing and a great learning experience.  I never know what I will learn, but I always learn something, and the knowledge I gained this year surprised me because it related more to the booking process than to the guided trip itself.  It also had more to do with me being a tourist than a guide.


First of all, let me say that the hiking trip was wonderful, and Active Adventures does a great job.  We ate very well, stayed in beautiful places that we would never have found on our own, and took hikes in stunning surroundings on the South Island.  Our guides, Gary and Holly, were first-rate and worked non-stop guiding our hikes, chauffeuring us from one place to the next, cooking our meals, and entertaining us with Maori legends. 

This hike was not an easy trip, though, and while I read and reread the brochure, I never understood it would be as difficult as it was.  I was able to do all the hikes, the mountain biking, and the kayaking, but I wasn’t always able to do a particular activity in the time allotted.  Most of the hikes were uphill, and we climbed to 3000 feet once and to 4500 feet on another occasion.  Those were tough hikes, and there wasn’t enough time to take many breaks.  To be honest, at times, this was more effort than I wanted to expend on my vacation.  Perhaps if I’d asked more questions, I would have chosen one of their easier hiking tours, but from reading their brochure, I thought I knew what to expect.

Is their brochure bad?  No, it is a very good brochure, and their website has the best, most-detailed booking form I’ve ever seen.  I think it is difficult to visualize habitat, terrain, and weather conditions in a place you’ve never been.  We sometimes run into the same problem when booking guests at our lodge.  We think we do a good job describing the length and difficulty of our hikes, the temperature, and possible weather conditions during the summer on Kodiak, and what you can expect to do each day while you are staying with us.  Still, guests sometimes arrive without rain gear or a warm jacket, and worst of all, a few guests arrive and discover they are not in good enough physical shape to meet the demands of our trips.  It is sometimes a long hike to see bears, and it’s disappointing for a guest if she can’t do the hike.
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As clients, it is our responsibility to determine whether or not we are up to the physical demands of the adventure trip we are considering.  It is not easy, though, to read about a trip and understand the amount of physical ability required.  We get caught up reading about the beautiful sights or the big bears we will see and skim over the part about how difficult the hike is to see that scenery or watch those bears.


I loved my hike in New Zealand.  It was more work than I expected, but I enjoyed it.  I don’t mind pushing myself if the payoff is worth it.  Most of us don’t mind aching muscles or even a few cuts and bruises if the adventure is amazing.  What I would like to stress, though, is if you have a serious medical problem, physical limitations, or if you are overweight or in poor shape, be honest with yourself, and make certain before you book an adventure trip that you aren’t signing up for something that could put your health or safety in danger.  Describe your limitations with the booking agent and perhaps even ask to speak with a guide.  Most guides will be very honest with you.  None of us wants one of our clients to get hurt or be sick in the field.  When a perspective guest tells us he has a serious illness or can’t walk very far, we tell him that our trips probably are not a good idea for him, and we suggest other options that might work better.  If he can’t hike, then perhaps he should consider a bear flight-seeing trip with a floatplane company.

I think as travelers, it is our job to assess our physical condition and then ask as many questions as possible to make certain we are choosing a trip we can do.  I’m sure there will still be plenty of surprises awaiting us, but hopefully, they will be good surprises.

We are booked full this summer, and we are excited that in July, Holly, one of our guides in New Zealand, is coming to visit us for a few days.  We are also thrilled to announce that Mary will be dazzling us with her meals again this summer.  I know our returning guests will smile when they read this news!


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Munsey’s 2015 Summer News

Oh wow!  Did you see that?  Whoaa!!! Ahhh, aren’t they cute? He’s getting kinda close, isn’t he?  I need help reeling in this fish!  Will you come home with us and cook for us, Mary?  This is so amazingly beautiful!

These are some of the sounds of a summer at Munsey’s Bear Camp.  From a breaching humpback to huge fin whales circling our boat while watching us, to adorable sea otters floating on their backs, to bears catching salmon while their cubs wrestle and play beside them, to great halibut and salmon fishing, to Mary’s gourmet meals; our 2015 summer season was excellent in every way.

We were thrilled to have Mary Schwarzhans cooking for us again this summer.  Her wonderful meals defy description, and her sense of humor kept me smiling all summer.  Mary’s sister, Emma, signed on with us as well this summer, and we thought of the two of them as our dream team.

Our season began July 15th, when we greeted Roni Jarnigan from Indiana and Paul and Shanen Eatinger and their 14-year old son, Kinnen, all from Idaho.  On the first afternoon, we saw a humpback whale soon after leaving our mooring and several fin whales further out the bay.  One day, a sow with two yearling cubs fished in front of this group, and while mama caught salmon, the cubs fought over her catch.    A curious fox ran up to this group and sat by Paul’s feet, while everyone snapped photos of him. On another day, Kinnen, Paul, and Roni all caught their limits of halibut and salmon, and they released 26 salmon, and on their last day, Shanen caught a 22-lb. halibut, Kinnen landed a 30 pounder, and Roni joined our halibut club with a 40 pounder.

On July 20th, we were happy to welcome back Bud Coughlin, Lisa Bill, and Lisa’s brother, Jim Bill, all from New Jersey, and Gene and Diane Fantini from Delaware.  These folks were here to fish, and they wasted no time.  They caught four halibut the first day, and Gene caught two silver salmon.  That is the earliest we’ve ever caught silvers, and it was the beginning of a fantastic silver-salmon year.  In Brown’s Lagoon, this group caught 25 pink salmon and released 14.  The following day, Bud and Jim both joined our halibut club, when Bud caught a 40 pounder, and Jim landed a 78-lb. halibut.  Awhile later, we saw a humpback whale leap out of the water several times.  We cruised closer, and the whale continued to breach and slap the water with his fins and tail.  It was breath-taking to watch!

On July 25th, we were thrilled to welcome back Tom Bradley and meet his fishing buddies: Jim Clay, Mike Pearson, and Bob Jibben, all from Missouri.  On their first day, a humpback circled our boat, and we could clearly see him under water.  While Bob, Jim, and Mike enjoyed great pink salmon fishing in Brown’s Lagoon, Tom stayed on board the Mary Beth to halibut fish, but when he reeled up his lure and saw several silver salmon chasing it, he quickly changed tactics and soon had his limit of five silvers. We returned the next day, and all four guys had their limits of silver salmon within two hours.  They then began halibut fishing and caught their halibut limits in another hour.  Tom and Jim both joined our halibut club with 45 pounders.

We greeted Paul Borg and Katherine Lee from Australia and John Grobelny and Toni Mott from Florida on July 30th.  This group enjoyed gorgeous, sunny weather their first day, and they saw deer, seals, sea otters, foxes, and a humpback whale that lifted its tail in front of us, sunlight glinting off its wet surface.  Later that day, they watched a bear fish in front of them.  On August 1st, this group was joined by Shuki Horesh and Chana Moran from Israel.  They watched a sow with two yearlings fish 60 ft. from them, and both she and the cubs stood on their hind legs several times to check out the humans.  On their last day, a very large bear walked out of the woods 50 ft. from them.

On August 6th, we were happy to welcome back Ed Matusik from Pennsylvania, who was with us for a 10-day stay, and we were excited to greet George and Jacque Havice from Kansas.  Jacque and I were high-school buddies.  Also arriving were Dave and Barb Korzendorfer from Connecticut.  This group watched a bear fish on a small creek and saw a sow with two cubs on the beach.  One day, George, Dave, and Ed all caught their limits of silver salmon, and Dave joined our halibut club with a 75 pounder.  On their last day, I enjoyed a fun afternoon fishing with Jacque, George, and Ed, while Dave, Barb, and Mike watched a sow with two yearlings and a sow with three cubs of the year.

On August 11th, Ed was joined by Stephen and Roberta Madeyski from New Mexico and Doug and Stephen Freeland from California.  This group experienced a good day of fishing, and the Freelands both caught their limits of silvers.  Another day, a bear caught a salmon and ate it near them, and on the way home, a humpback whale breached in front of us and then slapped the water several times with its tail.  On their last day, this group watched a sow fish while her three young cubs played, and then a single bear fished near them, walked calmly past them, stretched out in the water, and lazily scratched herself.

On August 21st, we greeted Bill and Judy Micheli, their son Brian and his daughter Tess, and their other son Mike and his fiancé Barbara Hancock, all from Illinois.  On their first day, Judy proved her fishing skills by landing a 32-lb. halibut.  The next time we fished, Judy again started things off with a nice halibut, but before the day was over, Bill caught a 25 pounder, Mike joined our halibut club with a 50 pounder, and 12-year old Tess joined our Gold Halibut Club by landing a 127 pounder, the largest halibut of the year!  One day, a large bull killer whale swam past us, and on another day, the Michelis and Mike sat under a birch tree and watched two young bears wrestle, box, and catch salmon.
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On August 26th, we were happy to welcome back our fishing buddies:  Dan Robertson from Nevada and Gene Fanucchi, Gordon Sexton, Michael Saner, Howard Hancock, and Bob Robertson, all from California.  Dan was with us for eight days, while the other guys were here for five.  Last year was Gene’s year, but Mike took top honors this year with a 103 lb. halibut, earning him a plaque and entry into our gold club.  On a day of silver-salmon fishing, Dan caught his limit of five, and the other guys each caught several.  A late-summer storm slowed us down a bit, but these guys still left with six full (50 lb.) fish boxes.

Our next group was delayed a day in Kodiak due to bad weather, and since they only had a three-day trip scheduled, the delay put a dent in their plans.  On September 1st, Dan was joined by his son-in-law Robert Cornell and his 13-year-old grandson, Ashton, both from California.  We were also thrilled to welcome back John Mendoza, and John brought his brother, Sam, and their friend, Ken Cadena, also all from California.  On their first afternoon, this group saw four bears and caught four halibut.  On the next day, Robert, Ashton, and Mike watched a sow and cub and two single bears on a small creek.  One bear walked to within 30 ft. of them before veering into the brush.

On September 3rd, we were excited to welcome back Tony and Karin Ross from Pennsylvania, who were with us for a 10-day stay, and Gene and Denise Brown from Washington.  They were joined by first-time guests Nathan and Virginia McCreery from New Mexico. On their first afternoon, we watched approximately 25 fin and humpback whales surface and blow, and this incredible whale watching continued throughout their stay. This group walked through the grass near a side stream and took beautiful photos of a sow with two yearling cubs.  Her dark brown, fall coat produced a gorgeous contrast to the golden sedges.  On their last day, they watched a young bear climb a tree, a sow with two older cubs, and a sow with three young cubs.  One of the little cubs caught a salmon and then stood on his hind legs, gripping the fish in his teeth.

On August 8th, Tony and Karin were joined by returning guests and friends, Andy Erickson from Rhode Island, Andy’s grandson, Martin Ulrich, from Pennsylvania, and Paul Kludt from Florida.  On their first day, this group enjoyed the thrill of catching large silver salmon on light tackle on a small stream, and on another day, Martin caught his limit of silvers in salt water.  This group hiked up a river and watched a bear catch and eat salmon near them, and later, they saw a sow with two large cubs.  On their last day, Tony, Karin, and Mike watched a sow with three cubs of the year, a sow with a yearling cub, and a sow with three large 2-year olds, while Andy, Martin, and Paul fished on the Mary Beth.

On September 13th, we greeted Richard and Sarah Kennedy from England and were happy to welcome back Terry and Cynthia Douglas from Alaska.  On their first day, this group saw 22 bears scattered around the bay, fishing on the many small streams that were plugged with salmon this summer.  One day, they saw a sow with three yearlings and a sow with three cubs of the year, and on another day, they watched a sow with three small cubs fish and play.  This group had several close whale encounters, including a huge fin whale that surfaced near the Mary Beth and then swam just below the surface past the boat.  On our last morning, we were greeted with a blanket of snow on the mountains, signaling an end to our season.

Thanks to all our wonderful guests this summer.  Amook Pass on Kodiak Island is well off the beaten path.  We appreciate that you took the time and effort to find us and spend part of your summer with us, and we hope you will all return!  Also, thank you Mary and Emma for being part of our team.  I could never express how much we enjoy and appreciate you!

By the way, there was one other comment in the form of a question heard at Munsey’s Bear Camp this summer when one of our guests asked his girlfriend on our bench overlooking beautiful Amook Pass, “Will you marry me?”  She said, “Yes!

If you would like updates about Munsey’s Bear Camp, visit our website: and click on our newsletter and blog for current postings.  You can also find detailed information about the animals of Kodiak Island on our website.  For more information about animals, the history of Munsey’s Bear Camp, living in the Alaskan wilderness, as well as summaries of my two novels, please visit:  If you leave a comment, my weekly postings will be delivered to your inbox, and if you enjoy mysteries, sign up for my monthly Mystery Newsletter.


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